LabTop Mk IV - Installing/recovering firmware with external programmer


  • Additional Laptop/PC to run commands
  • 8 pin test clip with adaptor
  • CH341A USB programmer
  • PH0 screwdriver


Place the Star LabTop Mk IV on a soft protected surface to avoid any possible scratching of the anodized finish.

1. Remove the 10x outer short Phillips screws from the backplate.

2. Remove the 2x inner centre longer Phillips screw from the backplate.

3. Carefully remove the backplate.
Please note: The speakers may require carefully prizing away from the backplate. Check whilst lifting the backplate on the bottom left and right corners, to avoid damaging the speaker cables/connectors.


4. Next, place the test clip adaptor onto CH341A, ensuring the corresponding pin number and soccet are alligned.
Pin number 1 is on the top left of the adaptor, it fits into the top left of the primary soccets.

4.1. Secure in place by pulling lever down on CH341A USB.

5. Attach the test clip to the adaptor. The red line must be alligned with pin number 1 to ensure it is the correct way up.

6. Locate the SOIC on the main board.

7. There is a small dot in the top right corner, indicating pin number 1. Pin 1 must allign with the red wire on the test clip.

7.1. Carefully attach the test clip to the SOIC ensuring the red wire lines up with Pin 1

7.2. The red wire should now be in the top right position, corresponding to pin 1.

8. Connect CH341A USB to additional Laptop/PC and open Terminal
Note: Ensure the programmer is not resting directly on the Laptop.

9. To perform the recovery, install flashrom with the below command:

sudo apt install flashrom

10. Download the relevant Firmware file

All firmware can be found on our GitHub Repository. Using the StarBook Mk V coreboot firmware as an example, browse to the .rom file here, and then click the download button.

11. Finally, run the below command, change the version number at the end

sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w ~/Downloads/8.18.rom

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